Graduation DVD & USB
Bolton Access TV will again be selling copies of the Nashoba Regional High School’s Graduation ceremony. We are pleased to be able to offer you a choice of a DVD, USB drive, or both, and all orders will be delivered directly to your house. As a non-profit organization, your purchase not only gives you a wonderful keepsake but also helps Bolton Access TV continue to fund coverage of school and local events!
To purchase online:
1. Click the "add to cart" button under the option you would like.
2. If you'd like another product in addition to your first selection click the "add to cart" button under that one as well.
3. Click the blue pop-up "shopping cart" button if you want to change the quantity, delete an item, or proceed to check out.
4. The popup window will re-directed you to PayPal. Please make sure your shipping
address and contact information in PayPal is correct.
Once you've made your purchase and closed the popup window you'll return to this screen - we'll email you an order confirmation within 24 hours.
If you prefer to pay by check click the PDF link to the right to download the paper order form. Fill it out, attach a check payable to Bolton Access TV, and mail it to us at Bolton Access TV, 697 Main St., Bolton, MA 01740
Email us with any questions at BoltonAccessTV@comcast.net.